Windows Apps Vs Mac Apps

Sep 30, 2019  These apps should make the time you spend on your Mac more pleasant and productive. And some of them might become so indispensable, you’ll wonder how you ever managed to get by without them. But no list of software is ever complete, so we invite you to share your favorite, must-have Mac apps in the comments. May 24, 2020  The Mac OS vs Windows argument is a long continuing war between home users, professionals and geeks alike. Maybe you have recently decided to jump ship, over to Apple’s Mac OS. It is understandable that a major paradigm shift, such as from Microsoft’s Windows to Apple’s Mac OS brings with it a lot of complexity and habitual changes in our usage pattern. Business productivity tools were domain of the Windows operating system, while editing, photo and other creativity apps were clearly a Mac world. And though the PC tends to dominate in the workplace, many software programs for professional use—including Microsoft. Office and the Adobe. Creative Suite—have versions for both operating systems. Note how the menu for the Windows app appears in the application window, and not at the top of the Mac desktop, as with native Mac apps. This is simply the way Crossover Office and Wine handles.

Every now and then, a Mac user is going to say, 'Man I wish there was a version of (insert program here) for Mac. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.' It's happened to me more times that I really wish to count. Thankfully, most of the apps I want to run on my Mac exist as native apps.

Dec 29, 2017  The reason is evident to anyone who tries to download apps for their MacBook, which is a store where new apps are few and far between - think Windows Phone, but in reverse. May 15, 2019  Windows 10 operating system carries a massive collection of programs and apps. It works to execute those commands and undertakes functions with the help of hardware such as RAM, HDD, and external.

However, there are a couple that slip through my fingers, like Microsoft's Visio Professional. It doesn't exist on the Mac side and I really need it for my day job as a software quality vice president.

Thankfully, there's more than one way to run Windows apps on your Mac.

  1. You can use Apple's Boot Camp and run a full installation of Window natively on your Mac
  2. Use a virtual machine like Parallels Desktop
  3. Install Windows apps directly with CrossOver and use a Windows app like any other native Mac App

There are advantages and disadvantages to each, but that last one – installing Windows apps directly under CrossOver – is a bit different, and it offers some distinct advantages if you know how to get things going.

With CrossOver, you don't install Windows and then the app. It's all about the app, and only the app. Thankfully, while CrossOver is different, it's not difficult to use. However, there are a few things you need to know. For example, CrossOver doesn't run ALL Windows apps. Some run better than others, and some won't run at all.

What's the best way to install Windows apps?

When trying to determine the best way to install a Windows app, consider the advantages and disadvantages of the three different ways to run Windows on a Mac — natively, via VM or via CrossOver:

FeatureDual BootingVirtual MachineCrossOver
Run without RebootingNoYesYes
Run without Windows OS LicenseNoNoYes
Runs ALL Windows AppsYesNo. Not all graphic-intensive features are supportedNo. Some run. Some run OK. Some won't run at all
Runs Apps at Native SpeedYesNoYes
Needed to Run an AppWindows License, App LicenseVM License, Windows License, App LicenseCrossOver License, App License
Approximate Costs (App not included)$120 - $200 for Windows 10$80 for Parallels Desktop or VMware Fusion, $120 - $200 for Windows 10$40 - $60 for CrossOver

How to install Windows apps on your Mac using CrossOver

If you want to install Windows apps on your Mac without all the overhead associated with Windows, follow these steps.

  1. Navigate to CodeWeavers and download CrossOver.
  2. Go to your Downloads folder and locate the Zip file you downloaded. Double Click it to open it. Archive Utility will Open it up and decompress the contents of the archive.

  3. Double click the in your Downloads folder. It will offer to move itself to your Applications folder.

  4. CrossOver will start for the first time. When it does, it's going to ask you how you want it to run. By default, it runs in trial mode. However, you also enter in your registration information or buy a license right from this page.

  5. From the screen that appears, click the Install a Windows Application button.

  6. Type the name of the application you want to run. CrossOver will search its database and display appropriate matches.

  7. Click on the application you want to run. CrossOver will display compatibility information on it from its database, telling you how likely and how well it will run.
  8. Click the Continue button.

  9. Select an installer source.
  10. Click the Choose Installer File. A Finder window will slide down over the app and allow you to navigate to where you have the installation file stored.
  11. Select the app.
  12. Click the Use this installer button. You'll return to the Select an Installer Source screen.
  13. Click the Continue button. Remember: CrossOver will not find and download the software you want to run for you. You actually have to have the installation file for the software you want to run.

  14. Select a bottle.

Windows Apps Vs Mac Apps Download

What are bottles?

CrossOver is powered by the Wine Project. As such, all Windows apps are installed in 'containers' called bottles (get it?). When you install an application for the first time, CrossOver will create a bottle and automatically place your application in it. When you install new applications, CrossOver will also give you hints about which apps can work and play well in the same bottle. If your apps can be installed in the same bottle, putting them together will save some space. If they can't, CrossOver will tell you and suggest creating a new bottle. It will also suggest a name for it. Keep the suggestion or give the bottle a name of your own choice.

  1. Click the Continue button.

  2. You'll be taken to the Ready to Install screen. CrossOver will give you a summary of what it's installing, where it will install it from, and the name of the bottle where it will install it. CrossOver will also install any needed support software (such as .NET Framework, or the link).
  3. Click the Install button.

  4. The software will install. CrossOver displays a progress screen where it will run through not only the creation of the bottle, but it will download any needed support software, and then run the installer you chose. Once the installation process completes, you should be ready to run your software.

  5. Click Done. The Installation process will close.
  6. Click the CrossOver icon in the Dock. CrossOver's Collections screen will appear, listing all the bottles you have installed on your Mac.
  7. Find the bottle you just created and run your software.

Running Windows and Windows apps on a Mac can be challenging. Finding the right method for you and your needs can be equally as challenging; however, if you think about it, there are a number of ways to run Windows on a Mac.

Some are expensive. Some aren't.


Some take time and are complicated. Others aren't.

CrossOver isn't just easy to use, it's affordable. For less than 1/4 the price of Windows plus the price of the application you need to run, you can run it on your Mac. For the odd app out, this is a total no-brainer; and it's fairly easy to do. If you want to make sure your app works with CrossOver before you give it a shot, you can always search for it on their website.

macOS Catalina


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power balance

New EU regulations target App Store, empowering developers

The EU has introduced new regulations and measures to help protect developers and publishers who deal with storefronts like the App Store.

Apple is reportedly going to find out in late 2018 as they attempt to merge some of the app platforms from iOS to macOS. The reason is evident to anyone who tries to download apps for their MacBook, which is a store where new apps are few and far between - think Windows Phone, but in reverse.

I wrote about this topic last week and now have added a video on the topic as well. So far, many people are giving Apple the benefit of the doubt, which reveals more about Microsoft's lack of consumer confidence than Apple's prowess at succeeding where Redmond had failed.

The problem I see it is rarely addressed: Why would running phone-based apps on your decked out MacBook Pro solve the lack of robust desktop applications for Apple?

Mac app store for windows

Microsoft tried this strategy and between the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) being nascent, the lack of consumer interest, and the reliance on using the web for many tasks it did not work out (nor did it help Windows phone).

Running phone apps on the PC did nothing for Microsoft and consumers - why would it be different with Apple?

Earlier this year, I wrote how Microsoft would shift from 'phone apps on PC' to more powerful desktop applications for the Microsoft Store, and that is what has happened. Affinity, Adobe Photoshop Elements, dj PRO, Autodesk Sketchbook, and legacy apps like are now the focus in the store. Even 'classic' PC games are making the appearance, shifting away from lite mobile games to ones that require beefier hardware.

Additionally, Apple has a more extensive problem: MacBooks don't support touch. Will users want to experience their favorite phone apps as non-touch experiences? Again, history tells us no.

In the end, Apple's venture won't make things worse for macOS or its pricey laptops and desktop computers, but so far, there is little reason to believe this will fix its real problem: waning interest from creative professionals in the Apple PC line. Apple does have a dedicated base of developers who seem to create some exciting applications, but it's not clear it's enough to affect sales.

Windows Apps Vs Mac Apps Windows 10

But will you give up on a touch-enabled two-in-one PC experience like Surface for a MacBook Pro because of this? Let me know in comments!

AppsTick Tock

Outlook nets a bunch of time-saving features across all platforms

Microsoft announced a whole bunch of new features headed to Outlook across all platforms today. The one thing they all have in common? Helping you save time and (hopefully) create a better work-life balance.