Add App To Dashboard Mac

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  6. Mac Dashboard Widgets

CloudKit is an app service available only to apps distributed through the store. CloudKit requires additional configuration in your Xcode project. Your app must be provisioned and code signed to access CloudKit. To avoid code signing issues, enable CloudKit using the Capabilities pane in Xcode. There should be no need for you to edit entitlements directly in Xcode or your developer account at

Add App To Dashboard Mac Download

About Containers and Databases

  • When you install Office for Mac, the app icons aren’t automatically added to the dock. To add to the dock, drag the app icon from the Launchpad or the Applications folder. The following steps demonstrates how to drag the icons from the Applications folder. Go to Finder Applications and open the Office app.
  • Jul 14, 2020  Ulysses is a powerful writing and Markdown editor for iPhone, iPad, and Mac, and a new update today brings the app to version 20 with a variety of new features. Ulysses 20 adds an all-new dashboard, revision tools, built-in grammar check, and more.
  • Jan 18, 2013  A fun way to customize the Mac desktop is to add floating widgets for things like weather, ski conditions, stocks, and time. These widgets are actually from Dashboard, a largely forgotten feature of Mac OS X that can be made useful again by bringing.
  • Use 3D Touch to view and add widgets. On an iPhone 6s and later, you can use 3D Touch to view widgets from your Home screen. Just press deeply on an app icon to quickly check the weather, stocks, and see other information. Tap Add Widget to add the app to Today View.
  • Mar 27, 2016  How to add tiles to the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac. Each widget on the Fitbit Dashboard is called a 'tile.' The online Dashboard gives you the ability to add and delete tiles, depending on what's most important to you. It's easy, once you find the dang 'add tiles' button. Sync your Fitbit using the Fitbit Connect app.
  • To add a new Widget, simply click on the 'Add Widget' icon and select the type of Widget you would like to display. Edit my Dashboard. You can edit your Dashboard at any point by clicking on the pencil icon located in the upper right of your screen as below: Once you are done, click on the pencil again to exit the editing mode.

Multiple apps and users have access to iCloud, but data is segregated and encapsulated in partitions called containers. The containers belonging to your app cannot be accessed by apps from another developer. However, your apps can share containers. Multiple apps can share the same container, and one app can use multiple containers. There’s one default container per app, but you can create additional custom containers. The identifier for the default container matches the app’s bundle ID. The other container IDs you specify need to be unique across all developer accounts.

An app has access to both a public and private database in each container. The public database is for storing user and app data that is shared between all instances of the app. By default, all users can read the public database, but they need to enter iCloud credentials to write to the public database. There’s a private database for each user of your app, but the app only has access to the private database of the current user. The user has to enter iCloud credentials for the app to read and write to the private database.

The My Day dashboard. My Day is your home base. Toggle between food and activity using the split screen to track them. To look up certain foods or activities, type a search term into the search bar, hit 'Search' and browse the list. Tap or swipe right to add items to your dashboard.


To perform all the steps in this document, you need:

  • A Mac computer with Xcode 6 or later installed

  • For the best experience, the latest OS X and Xcode releases installed

  • An Xcode project that builds without errors

  • Membership in the Apple Developer Program

  • Permission to enable CloudKit in your developer account

Verify that you have performed these tasks before you begin using CloudKit. For step-by-step instructions, read App Distribution Quick Start.


Join the Apple Developer Program or Apple Developer Enterprise Program.

Create an Xcode project that builds and runs.

Add your Apple ID to Accounts preferences.

Create your team provisioning profile:

  • 1. For Mac apps, choose Mac App Store as the signing identity.

  • 2. Select your team from the Team pop-up menu.

  • 3. Click Fix Issue.

For Mac apps, enable App Sandbox in the Capabilities pane.

If you successfully complete the preceding tasks, the error message and Fix Issue button below the Team pop-up menu in the General pane disappears. The screenshot below shows the General pane for an iOS app when the code signing assets are successfully created.

For complete steps on creating a team provisioning profile, read App Distribution Quick Start. To troubleshoot code signing and provisioning, read Troubleshooting in App Distribution Guide.

Enable iCloud and Select CloudKit

CloudKit is one of three app services provided by iCloud. The other iCloud app services—key-value storage and iCloud documents—also appear in the iCloud settings in Xcode. To use CloudKit, you first enable iCloud and then select the CloudKit service.

Important: When you select CloudKit, Xcode creates a default container ID based on the bundle ID. Because you can’t delete iCloud containers, verify that your bundle ID is correct in the General pane in Xcode before selecting CloudKit. To change your bundle ID, read Set the Bundle ID in App Distribution Quick Start.

To enable iCloud and select CloudKit

  1. In the Capabilities pane, select the switch in the iCloud row.

    Xcode provisions your app to use iCloud. (Key-value storage is enabled by default.)

  2. Select the CloudKit checkbox.

    Xcode creates a default CloudKit container based on the bundle ID and adds the CloudKit framework to your project.

Your app can now store data and documents in iCloud.

Access CloudKit Dashboard

Use CloudKit Dashboard to manage your CloudKit container schema and records. The schema describes the organization of records, fields, and relationships in a database. A record is an instance of a record type. In a relational database, a record type corresponds to a table and a record corresponds to a row in a table.

To sign in to CloudKit Dashboard

  1. In the iCloud settings in the Capabilities pane, click CloudKit Dashboard.

    Alternatively, go to

  2. If necessary, enter your Apple ID credentials and click Sign In.

    All the containers for all the teams you belong to appear in the window.

To sign out, choose Sign Out from the account pop-up menu in the upper-right corner of the window.

Share Containers Between Apps

Optionally, configure your app to use multiple containers or share a container with other apps. For example, you might use one app internally to create record types and records programmatically to return a database to a known state. This app needs to share the same container as the end-user app you are developing and testing. To do this, you enable the first app to use the default container of the second app or create a custom container that both apps share. Apps running on different platforms (iOS, Mac, and tvOS) can also be configured to share the same containers.

Add Containers to an App

Select an existing container ID used by another app or create a new one.

To add a container to an app

  1. In the Capabilities pane under the iCloud settings, select “Specify custom containers.”

    When you previously selected the CloudKit service, Xcode created a default container ID for your app that matches the bundle ID. A checkmark appears next to the default container ID.

  2. If necessary, click the Refresh button below the Containers table to download containers from your developer account that are used by other apps.

  3. In the row of the container ID you want to add, select the checkbox.

    Xcode updates the list of container IDs in the entitlements file.

    The screenshot below shows the Curator app sharing the Gallery app’s default container.

Create Custom Containers

Alternatively, create a custom container shared by multiple apps.

Important: Only team admins can create containers. If you are an individual, you are the team agent (with admin privileges) for your one person team.

To create a custom container

  1. If 'Use default container” is selected, select “Specify custom containers.”

  2. Click the Add button (+) at the bottom of the table.

  3. In the dialog that appears, enter an identifier for the container you want to add.

    Warning: You can’t delete a container ID, so choose the container ID carefully.

    A container ID begins with iCloud. followed by a string in reverse DNS notation.

  4. Click OK.

    Xcode adds the new container ID to the Xcode project entitlements file and to your developer account

If you want to share the new container ID with another app, add the container to the app, as described in Add Containers to an App.

Verify Your Steps

You can view all the container IDs for your team in the Capabilities pane in Xcode or your developer account. In your developer account, you can also add containers and edit the name of containers.

To view container IDs in your developer account

  1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles and for Mac apps, choose OS X from the pop-up menu on the left.

  2. Under Identifiers, select iCloud Containers.

  3. Optionally, in the upper right corner, click the search button and enter text in the search field.

Create an iCloud Account for Development

You’ll need an iCloud account to save records to a CloudKit container. You’ll enter the credentials for this iCloud account on the device that you run your app. If you don’t have an iCloud account, create one that you can use during development. On your Mac, launch System Preferences and click iCloud. Click Create Apple ID under the Apple ID text field and follow the instructions.

Add App To Dashboard Macbook


In this chapter, you learned how to:

  • Enable CloudKit in your Xcode project, which creates your app’s default container.

  • Access CloudKit Dashboard to view the container’s schema and records.

  • Create an iCloud account to use for development.

Copyright © 2017 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2017-09-19

Once you've chosen the best Fitbit for you, to really get the most out of it you'll want to sync it and view your progress on the Fitbit Dashboard. You can absolutely do that with Fitbit for iPhone, but you can also do it on your Mac.

The handiest part about using your Fitbit with your Mac is that, so long as you have the Fitbit Connect app to sync your device, you can view your progress on any device with an internet connection; the Fitbit Dashboard for Mac is entirely online.

What can I see on my Fitbit Dashboard?

The Fitbit Dashboard display your goals and how close you are to meeting them, as well as useful tips and other fitness-related items, like a nutrition plan. Here's a list of what you can view on your Fitbit Dashboard:

  • Calories Burned
  • Steps
  • Heart Rate (Only available with Fitbits that have a heart rate monitor.)
  • Distance
  • Floors Climbed
  • Active Minutes
  • Sleep
  • Calories Eaten
  • Calories Left
  • Set weight goal
  • Water Consumption

How to add and delete tiles in Fitbit's online Dashboard for Mac

Fitbit's online Dashboard is incredibly simple to navigate and use, since everything is as easy as clicking and, in some instances, typing. The only issue is that some information that you may want to see might not be on your initial Dashboard.

There may also be goals or information that you just don't care about. Get rid of it!

How to add tiles to the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac

Each widget on the Fitbit Dashboard is called a 'tile.' The online Dashboard gives you the ability to add and delete tiles, depending on what's most important to you. It's easy, once you find the dang 'add tiles' button. Here's how!

  1. Sync your Fitbit using the Fitbit Connect app. This way you'll be viewing the most current data.
  2. Launch the Fitbit Dashboard using your favorite web browser.
  3. Click the add tile button. It's way over on the upper lefthand side of the screen.
  4. Click the check boxes next to each item you'd like to add to your Dashboard.
  5. Click Done.

Now all the goals and information that you want to see will appear every time you load up your Dashboard. You can hover over and click see more, or double-click each tile for a more in-depth view of that particular goal or aspect of the Fitbit experience.

How to delete tiles from the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac


Some tiles that appear on the Fitbit Dashboard may just not be that relevant to you. Does anyone really care about drinking the requisite 64 ounces of water, per day? Ok, fine, maybe you do, but there's gotta be something else on there that you don't want to see.

Luckily, tiles can be deleted in two shakes of a pig's ear.

  1. Sync your Fitbit using the Fitbit Connect app. This way you'll be viewing the most current data.
  2. Launch the Fitbit Dashboard using your favorite web browser.
  3. Hover over the tile you'd like to remove from your Dashboard.
  4. Click the settings button that appears on the bottom left of the tile. It's the gear.

  5. Click the trash can that appears when the tile flips over.
  6. Click Remove.

That's all there is to it! If you've added a tile and want it removed, but the settings button isn't appearing when you hover over the tile, just refresh the page and it should work.

You can rearrange your Dashboard at any time, just click and drag the tiles around to suit your preferences.

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How to log goals using the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac

In some cases, Fitbit is only as accurate as you make it. For example, you have to log your weight and your water intake, because, unless you have the Fitbit Aria scale, it's not weighing you from your wrist and it's not checking your tummy for water.

Dash App Mac

Logging information in the online Fitbit Dashboard is as easy as clicking and typing. Here's how!

How to log water consumption in the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac

  1. Sync your Fitbit using the Fitbit Connect app. This way you'll be viewing the most current data.
  2. Launch the Fitbit Dashboard using your favorite web browser.
  3. Hover over the water intake tile. It's the one with the empty water glasses on it.
  4. Click See More in the tab that appears beneath the tile.

  5. Type in how much water you've drunk in the 'water consumed' field near the bottom of the page. You can change the units by clicking the choices beneath the text field.
  6. Click Log it.

Now Fitbit knows how much water you've had for the day. Remember to log your water intake every day, so that Fitbit can keep up with you and give you the most accurate data possible.

How to log calories eaten using the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac

If you're tracking your water intake, you're probably tracking how many calories you're scarfing down in a day as well. You have to tell Fitbit because, unless you're feeding your tracker too, it'll have no idea.

  1. Sync your Fitbit using the Fitbit Connect app. This way you'll be viewing the most current data.
  2. Launch the Fitbit Dashboard using your favorite web browser.
  3. Make sure you have the Calories In vs. Out tile added to your Dashboard.
  4. Hover over the Calories In vs. Out tab. It looks like a speedometer with a fork and knife in the bottom left corner and a flame in the bottom right.
  5. Click See More on the tab that appears beneath the tile.

  6. Enter the food you've eaten.
  7. Click an option from the list that appears.

  8. Enter a quantity for the food item.
  9. Choose what meal you're logging for from the dropdown menu.
  10. Click Log Food.

Boom, your food is logged. To keep on top of things, you probably want to log your food after every meal. Since you are choosing food items from a preset list, keep in mind that your daily calorie totals may not be completely precise, but they will be pretty darn close.

How to log weight using the online Fitbit Dashboard for Mac

Unless you have the Fitbit Aria, your Fitbit device has no idea how much you weigh, so you have to log it in your Fitbit Dashboard. Here's how:

  1. Sync your Fitbit using the Fitbit Connect app. This way you'll be viewing the most current data.
  2. Launch the Fitbit Dashboard using your favorite web browser.
  3. Make sure you have the Weight tile added to your Dashboard.
  4. Hover over the Weight tab. It's a tile that says the weight you entered when you first set up your account.
  5. Click See More on the tab that appears beneath the tile.

  6. Type your weight into the weight field. Add your body fat percentage if you wish.
  7. Click Log.

Now Fitbit knows what you weigh. Feel free to embellish if you want, but you have no one to blame but yourself! You could blame Fitbit, but nobody's buying it.

You'll be able to monitor your progress for efficiently if you enter this information into your Fitbit Dashboard and it will help you to paint a more accurate picture of your overall fitness.



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Dashboard For Mac

New EU regulations target App Store, empowering developers

Mac Dashboard Widgets

The EU has introduced new regulations and measures to help protect developers and publishers who deal with storefronts like the App Store.