Apps That Improve Dark Mode Mac

  1. Auto Dark Mode Mac
  2. Dark Mode For Google App
  3. Facebook App Dark Mode

Aug 30, 2018  How the advantages of 'dark mode' can help your health, your phone, and your wallet Dark mode is a stealth attempt to improve the health of smartphone. Most importantly, Dark Mode can improve your ability certain aspects of video and photos, such as color and detail. At macOS Mojave’s launch, all apps that are included in the operating system. Sep 26, 2018  10 great Mac apps that already support Dark Mode These apps already take advantage of macOS Mojave's built-in Dark Mode. Joseph Keller. 26 Sep 2018 5 One of the most prominent features of macOS Mojave is the inclusion of a true Dark Mode. While the previous 'dark mode' on macOS changed the Dock and Menu bar from light to dark, in macOS Mojave. Jan 08, 2018  Dark Mode List helps you find iOS apps that offer a battery-life-extending dark mode. The ever-growing list also showcases Mac apps with dark mode. In macOS 10.14 and later, users can choose to adopt a dark system-wide appearance instead of a light appearance. In Dark Mode, the system adopts a darker color palette for all windows, views, menus, and controls. The system also uses more vibrancy to make foreground content stand out against the darker backgrounds. Focus on your content.

Dark Mode

Oct 07, 2019  Dark Mode, available in macOS Mojave or later, is a dramatic new look that's easy on your eyes and helps you focus on your work.Dark Mode uses a dark color scheme that works system wide, including with the apps that come with your Mac. And third-party apps can adopt it, too. Nov 04, 2019  System-wide dark Mode on Mac completely turns on for all the apps the pre-installed on your mac. We are happy to help you, submit this Form, if your solution is not covered in this article. Dark mode supported applications are mail app, finder, Photos, calendar, Xcode and all other third-party applications that installed on your Mac.

In iOS 13.0 and later, people can choose to adopt a dark system-wide appearance called Dark Mode. In Dark Mode, the system uses a darker color palette for all screens, views, menus, and controls, and it uses more vibrancy to make foreground content stand out against the darker backgrounds. Dark Mode supports all accessibility features.

Dark Mode

Light mode

In Settings, people can choose Dark Mode as their default interface style and schedule automatic changes between the appearance modes. Because people make these choices at a systemwide level, they generally expect all apps to respect their preferences.

Comply with the appearance mode people choose in Settings. If you offer an app-specific appearance mode option, you create more work for people because they have to adjust more than one setting. Worse, they may think your app is broken because it doesn't respond to their systemwide appearance choice.

Test your designs in both light and dark appearances. See how your interface looks in both appearances, and adjust your designs as needed to accommodate each one. Designs that work well in one appearance might not work in the other.

Ensure that your content remains comfortably legible in Dark Mode when you adjust the contrast and transparency accessibility settings. In Dark Mode, you should test your content with Increase Contrast and Reduce Transparency turned on, both separately and together. You may find places where dark text is less legible when it’s on a dark background. You might also find that turning on Increase Contrast in Dark Mode can result in reduced visual contrast between dark text and a dark background. Although people with strong vision might still be able to read lower contrast text, such text could be illegible for people with visual impairments. For guidance, see Color and Contrast.

Dark Mode Colors

The color palette in Dark Mode includes darker background colors and lighter foreground colors that are carefully selected to ensure contrast while maintaining a consistent feel between modes and across apps.

In Dark Mode, the system uses two sets of background colors — called base and elevated — to enhance the perception of depth when one dark interface is layered above another. The base colors are darker, making background interfaces appear to recede, and the elevated colors are lighter, making foreground interfaces appear to advance.

Prefer the system background colors. Dark Mode is dynamic, which means that the background color automatically changes from base to elevated when an interface is in the foreground, such as a popover or modal sheet. The system also uses the elevated background color to provide visual separation between apps in a multitasking environment and between windows in a multiple-window context. Using a custom background color can make it harder for people to perceive these system-provided visual distinctions.

Use dynamic colors that adapt to the current appearance. Semantic colors like separator automatically adapt to the current appearance (for guidance, see Dynamic System Colors). When you need a custom color, add a Color Set asset to your app’s asset catalog and specify the light and dark variants of the color so that it can adapt to the current appearance mode. Avoid using hard-coded color values or colors that don’t adapt.


Ensure sufficient color contrast in all appearances. Using system-defined colors ensures a proper contrast ratio between your foreground and background content. For custom colors, aim for a contrast ratio of 7:1, especially for smaller text. For guidance, see Dynamic System Colors.

Soften the color of white backgrounds. If you must use a white background for your content in Dark Mode, choose a slightly darker white that prevents the background from glowing against the surrounding dark content.

For related guidance, see Color.

Image, Icon, and Symbol Color

The system uses SF Symbols, which automatically look great in Dark Mode, and full-color images that are optimized for both light and dark appearances.

Use SF Symbols wherever possible. Symbols look great in both appearance modes when you use dynamic colors to tint them or when you add vibrancy.

Auto Dark Mode Mac

Design individual glyphs for light and dark appearances when necessary. A glyph that uses a hollow outline in light mode might look better as a solid, filled shape in Dark Mode.

Make sure full-color images and icons look good. Use the same asset if it looks good in both light and dark modes. If an asset looks good in only one mode, modify the asset or create separate light and dark assets. Use asset catalogs to combine your assets into a single, named image.


Apps That Improve Dark Mode Mac

Vibrancy can help maintain good contrast of text on darker backgrounds.

Use the system-provided label colors for labels. The primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary label colors adapt automatically to light and dark appearances. For related guidance, see Typography.

Use system views to draw text fields and text views. System views and controls make your app’s text look good on all backgrounds, adjusting automatically for the presence or absence of vibrancy. When possible, use a system-provided view to display text instead of drawing the text yourself. For developer guidance, see UITextField and UITextView.

To learn more about the interplay of vibrancy and materials, see Materials.

Dark Mode, available in macOS Mojave or later, is a dramatic new look that's easy on your eyes and helps you focus on your work. Dark Mode uses a dark color scheme that works system wide, including with the apps that come with your Mac. And third-party apps can adopt it, too.

Turn on Dark Mode

Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, click General, then select one of the Appearance options at the top of the window:

  • Light: Use the light appearance.
  • Dark: Use the dark appearance.
  • Auto (available in macOS Catalina): Automatically use the light appearance during the day, and the dark appearance at night.

Dark Mode For Google App

How Dark Mode works with some apps and features

Some apps and features have special Dark Mode settings or behaviors.

Facebook App Dark Mode

  • Mail. To use a light background for email messages while Dark Mode is turned on, open Mail and choose Mail > Preferences, then click the Viewing tab and deselect ”Use dark backgrounds for messages.”
  • Maps. To use a light background for maps while Dark Mode is turned on, click View in the menu bar in Maps, then deselect Use Dark Map.
  • Notes. To use a light background for notes while Dark Mode is turned on, open Notes and choose Notes > Preferences, then deselect ”Use dark backgrounds for note content.”
  • Safari. When you use Dark Mode, Safari automatically shows a website in Dark Mode if the website has been designed to support it. If the website doesn't support Dark Mode, you can use Safari Reader to read articles in Dark Mode.
  • TextEdit. To use a light background for documents while Dark Mode is turned on, click View in the menu bar in TextEdit, then deselect Use Dark Background for Windows. (Requires macOS Mojave 10.14.2 or later.)
  • Dynamic Desktop. If you turn on Dark Mode while using Dynamic Desktop, the desktop may change to the dark still image. You can change this setting in Desktop & Screen Saver preferences.